Investments in shares are for the long term. The value of your investment and the income derived from it can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you originally invested.
If you are in any doubt about purchasing shares, you should consult an independent financial advisor authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
The H&H Group currently has 1,085,169 shares in issue held by around 1,328 shareholders. As you may be aware, shares in H&H Group are traded throughout the year on behalf of shareholders by public auction.
In order to make it easier for both shareholders and customers we hold regular auctions of shares on a quarterly basis. Confirmation of the numbers of shares to be sold will be announced on our website two weeks in advance of each auction. If you are interested in either buying or selling shares please contact Margaret Irving 01228 406334 or email her direct.
Whilst it be the intention that H&H Group would not undertake private sales on behalf of shareholders in between auctions, this does not prevent private sales taking place. Transfers of shares would still need to be registered with the company secretary and stamp duty paid accordingly.
You may be aware that shares in H&H Group plc qualify for business property relief, provided they have been held for more than two years. This means that they do not form part of the calculation for inheritance tax.