This course runs from 10am registration through to 2.00pm with a light lunch snack (kindly provided by H&H Insurance Brokers).
To book your place call Nina on 01228 406348 or email her direct here
The courses aim to reduce serious injuries in agriculture and rural industries, which have the highest rate of fatalities of any sector.
Delivered by Farm and Forestry First Aid (F3A), the course will cover potential scenarios such as quad bike accidents and serious incidents involving tractors and other machinery, as well as livestock.
Essential first aid skills such as assessing a casualty, the correct recovery position, how to administer CPR, using an Automated External Defibrillator and learning how to treat crush injuries, amputations, impalements and severe bleeding will also be covered. They are led by qualified health care professionals registered with the Health & Care Professions Council.
For farmers working towards the Red Tractor accreditation, the course is registered and certified by the relevant authority, with certificates presented on completion.
The first aid courses for farmers are supported by H&H Safety, a health and safety package from H&H Insurance Brokers in partnership with specialists AW Safety, which aims to help create a safer working environment for farmers.
Paul Graham, Managing Director, said: "The previous sessions we have run at Borderway Mart have provided over 200 farmers with the necessary life saving skills to cope in an emergency on their farm.
The feedback has been very positive, with 100% of attendees saying they would be happy to recommend the course, praising its hands-on and practical approach and the excellent communication and delivery of information from the trainers.”
The annual Health and Safety Executive’s ‘Fatal injuries in agriculture, forestry and fishing in Great Britain’ report revealed that, in the 12-month period up to March 31, 2023, 27 people were killed as a result of farming and other agriculture-related activities, including a three-year-old child. The report highlighted that the annual average of farming-related deaths is 21 times as high as the average rate for all industries.
The course costs just £100 + VAT p/person and will be invoiced via F3A.