The H&H Group got their Platinum Jubilee celebrations off to an early start, with a lunch held on 31st May at the Borderway Mart Café, Carlisle. Representatives of all five divisions of the H&H Group were present, and those unable to attend the Head Office lunch were encouraged to celebrate with tea parties at their own office.
H&H Group used the opportunity to further help their chosen charities for this year, Cancer Research UK and My Names’5 Doddie, by asking staff who attended to donate £3.50 to these worthy causes.
Bunting, balloons, and bonhomie were the order of the day, and everyone had a great time, with the high spot of the meal being a two-tier cake decorated with union jacks and blue, white and red butter icing rosettes, baked by the H&H café’s specialist cake baker Karen McGregor.
Whilst Michael Scott, Chairman of H&H Group, cut the cake, the staff raised their glasses to Her Majesty and her amazing achievement of 70 years on the throne.